The power of journalism
Making a change
Big things for 2011
QR Codes
Media, meetupJen Lee Reeves2010, journalism student association, journotips, kaywa, missouri school of journalism, moo, networking, november10, qr codes, tips
Manning the election fort
ONA "aha" moment
Lunch and real advice
A wonderful time of the year
Baby Jessica and Chilean Miners
MediaJen Lee Reeves2010, baby jessica, cnn, facebook, jessica mcclure, msnbc, october10, the huffington post, tweetbeat, twitter, zara arboleda
Exploring the New Facebook Groups
Brain dump, MediaJen Lee Reeves2010, craig kanalley, facebook, facebook groups, fan page, groups, huffington post, komu, october10
Time and knowledge
Watching from afar
Cheerleading to a large audience
Talking about blogs
How do you....
Making a change
Learning from failure
Focus, focus, focus
A true Facebook experience
Fear of technology