Fellowship — Jen's Just Right Blog — Just Right Strategy
Twitter Hack Tips
The kitchen table talk
Watching from afar
Learning from failure
Let's keep learning
We just talked about journalism...
Talking about the future
I have 5 minutes
Making a good impression
Mindcasting versus Lifecasting
Social Media for Broadcast Journos
Let's Talk Twitter at RTNDA!
How many communities are too many communities
Back in the saddle again
The great CMS debate meets face to face
And now... Time for a brain dump
Journalism of the future
Discovering Drupal's Community
Brain dump, Education, FellowshipJen Lee Reevescommunity, conference, drupal, DrupalCon, KDI, Knight Drupal Initiative, Knight Foundation, march09, margaret rosas, mediashift
Twitter for Jurnos Part 2