Nerd + Parent = Twisney

As part of my family's holiday break, we went to Disney World. It's such a fun place and in my continuing quest to be the nerdiest possible parent, I wanted to try some different ways to document our trip. I decided to try out the citizen journalism-eque site. It's Twitter for Disney fans... and actually you can use Twitter to post to Twisney.

I decided to give it a try by sending tweets (by adding @twisney to my tweets on Twitter) and emailing photos to the site ( For some reason I was the only person at Disney World using Twisney so it turned into a big Reeves Family adventure on the front page of the website. You can visit our posts from here or if you go to the main site for now, our last 30 Twisney posts show up on the front of I think there are some very creative ways we could use this kind of technology for something more news-worthy. When photos show up on the Twisney map, they also go to Twisney's Flickr page. It was easy and quick to use and could be a handy concept during breaking news or a big news event (like a massive rally or sporting event). I realize my family thinks I'm a huge nerd for using Twisney, but it was fun to give it a try!

By the way, Twisney was put together by a Disney fan named Scott Mitchell who is from Naples, Florida (at least that's where he lived when he registered the domain). The site got a bunch of buzz back in the Spring and Summer... and clearly the thrill is wearing off. Fewer people are using it. But it's a fantastic project. It got some props back in May if you're interested in reading a bit about it from the Wall Street Journal.