Social Media Clubhouse - Invigorating Journalism Education
I just wrapped up a fun 20 minute conversation with Joy Mayer and Jeremy Littau at the Social Media Clubhouse just a few blocks away from the SXSW conference. We wanted to share our top three ways social media can invigorate journalism education. Jeremy talked about how he is introducing the concept of a "classroom without walls." Joy talked about how journalists should think about reaching her or her audience depending on the story they are working on and where those communities are talking. I talked about how important it is to build an online brand so when you have published work in any form, the information consumers can find out that you're for real.
Case in point: Joy talked about a student who completed a fantastic project about interactive museums. It was so good Joy wanted to blog about it. So when she asked the student where she should link when the student's name showed up on her blog, the student didn't have any social link that showed her knowledge base. Her blog was unused, her Twitter stream was dry... so it was tough to connect her amazing work to something that shows she's legit.
I wanted to share a quick summary just in case someone wanted to chat some more here or on @jenleereeves, @mayerjoy and @jeremylittau.