Just Right Strategy

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The blog readers have spoken....

And they say I should blog more often. Thanks to everyone who gave me input from yesterday's blog post where I asked what makes a great blogger. Obviously a great blogger posts more often than I do... And may have a better sense of humor than I have. But I sure as heck can give it a try. So here we go. There are a couple of things going on today... But I'll start with what happened when I turned my computer on this morning and opened up my Safair 4 browser for the first time. I downloaded it just before I went to sleep last night so I hadn't tinkered with it yet. So I hit the keyboard macro to add a new tab (you know, Open Apple T) and instead I see this:


The Safari 4 beta doesn't launch a new blank page, instead it gives you a peek at your top sites! Obviously Twitter and Facebook come up on top... along with a kid blog and followed by work - a new site I'm building, a Ning site we're working on for KOMU.com , the actual KOMU.com site and then this site. I could go on but I don't want to bore you. But it was kind of cool to find a visual display of my online obsessions. You can move the windows around and click and choose. I dig it. Another item I've noticed: when you type a URL into the browser, it instantly pops up your history with that site. Also, tabs are at the very top of the window instead of right above the website. That confused me for a minute since I wasn't sure if I was actually getting new tabs when I asked for it until I looked up a little higher on the screen. The only problem I've come up with it so far is it crashed when I tried to add a link in WordPress 2.7 when I was using the visual tab. If you don't use WordPress, you probably don't know what I'm talking about and that's really okay. Just know that the screen freezes and I haven't figured out a way to fix that!

Anyway - let me know if you've found any other cool things the new Safari beta can do. If you haven't downloaded it yet, here's a place you can do that.

And for you the blog reader, I want to let you know that I am going to try a lot harder to share my busy and nerdy mind as best I can for you here on this blog space. I'll do that as long as you talk back to me!! Obviously we don't have to chat here. Many of us talk on Twitter as well... But as long as we can keep talking, I'll promise to you that I'll keep blogging. Thanks again for all of your input!